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addFrame(Image) - Method in class awh.Movie
Add a new frame to the movie.
AQUA - Static variable in class awh.Color
Aqua HTML color.
awh - package awh
Alisma wrappers-and-helpers.


BLACK - Static variable in class awh.Color
Black HTML color.
BLUE - Static variable in class awh.Color
Blue HTML color.


Color - Class in awh
Color representation.
Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class awh.Color
Constructor from RGB components.
Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class awh.Color
Constructor from RGBA components.
copy() - Method in class awh.Image
Create a copy of this image.
create(double...) - Static method in class awh.DoubleList
Create list of doubles and populate it with initial values.
create(int...) - Static method in class awh.IntList
Create list of integers and populate it with initial values.
createEmpty(int, int, Color) - Static method in class awh.Image
Create empty image.
createMp4(String) - Static method in class awh.Movie
Create a new movie with MP4 container, H264 video codec but no sound.


die(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class awh.Sys
Terminates the application and prints information message.
die(String, Object...) - Static method in class awh.Sys
Terminates the application and prints information message.
DoubleList - Class in awh
List of doubles.
DoubleList() - Constructor for class awh.DoubleList
Default constructor.


finish() - Method in class awh.Movie
Finalize the movie.
fromMergedRgb(int) - Static method in class awh.Color
Create color from merged RGB components.
fromRgb(int, int, int) - Static method in class awh.Color
Create color from RGB components.
FUCHSIA - Static variable in class awh.Color
Fuchsia HTML color.


getBlue() - Method in class awh.Color
Get blue component of the color.
getFileExtension(String) - Static method in class awh.Sys
Get file extensions from file path.
getGreen() - Method in class awh.Color
Get green component of the color.
getHeight() - Method in class awh.Image
Tell image height.
getPixel(int, int) - Method in class awh.Image
Get color at given position.
getRed() - Method in class awh.Color
Get red component of the color.
getWidth() - Method in class awh.Image
Tell image width.
GRAY - Static variable in class awh.Color
Gray HTML color.
GREEN - Static variable in class awh.Color
Green HTML color.


Image - Class in awh
Raster image representation.
IntList - Class in awh
List of integers.
IntList() - Constructor for class awh.IntList
Default constructor.


LIME - Static variable in class awh.Color
Lime HTML color.
loadFromFile(String) - Static method in class awh.Image
Load image from file on disk.


MAROON - Static variable in class awh.Color
Maroon HTML color.
Movie - Class in awh
Create movie from individual frames.
Movie(AWTSequenceEncoder) - Constructor for class awh.Movie
Construct with existing sequence encoder.


NAVY - Static variable in class awh.Color
Navy HTML color.


OLIVE - Static variable in class awh.Color
Olive HTML color.


pasteFrom(Image, int, int) - Method in class awh.Image
Insert another image into this one.
Problem - Exception in awh
Wrapper exception for all kinds of unexpected situations.
Problem(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception awh.Problem
Constructor with message.
PURPLE - Static variable in class awh.Color
Purple HTML color.


RED - Static variable in class awh.Color
Red HTML color.
rescale(int, int) - Method in class awh.Image
Rescale image to new size.


saveToFile(String) - Method in class awh.Image
Save image to file.
setPixel(int, int, Color) - Method in class awh.Image
Set color at given position.
SILVER - Static variable in class awh.Color
Silver HTML color.
Sys - Class in awh
System utilities.


TEAL - Static variable in class awh.Color
Teal HTML color.
toAwtColor() - Method in class awh.Color
Convert to awt package representation.
toHtmlNotation() - Method in class awh.Color
Convert to HTML notation.
toMergedRgb() - Method in class awh.Color
Convert the merged RGB notation.
toString() - Method in class awh.Color


whenNotInRange(String, long, long, long) - Static method in exception awh.Problem
Throws when value is out of range.
whenNull(Object, String) - Static method in exception awh.Problem
Throws when value is null.
WHITE - Static variable in class awh.Color
White HTML color.


YELLOW - Static variable in class awh.Color
Yellow HTML color.
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